Education in Skaraborg
In Skaraborg, you can be almost whatever you like! There are more than 200 preschools, 130 elementary and middle schools and several high schools with many fields and specializations for those seeking them. Because the municipalities in Skaraborg collaborates, students in every municipality are free to choose from all of the courses on offer. There are also the University of Skövde and many other adult education programs such as the adult education colleges in Hjo and Vara.

Schools and childcare
Are you moving with your children? If so, childcare and schools play an important part in any decision to move here. Skaraborg is proud to have so many preschools with glorious outdoor surroundings and skilled personnel. If you live in the city, there are usually several preschools to choose from, but even out in the country, it’s rarely far to the nearest preschool. In contrast to many major cities, there’s a better chance here of choosing the placement you want. While the municipalities run most of the preschools, there are some that are run privately.

As with preschools, there are schools all over Skaraborg, from little country schools to major high schools.
At high school level there is a great variety of courses, both practical and academic. There are also specialized courses in a variety of subjects, including many centered around sports: If your child aims to become an engineer but is not ready to give up on the dream of going professional in e.g. volleyball, there’s an opportunity to combine these goals here. And if the young person moving with you is interested in music, maybe the Academy of Music and Business in Vara would be an attractive option.
The municipal pages have further information about what each municipality has to offer. The municipalities’ websites provide information on how to apply for childcare or a school for your child. You can also contact the municipality concerned if you need help or have any questions about childcare and schools.
If you’d like to find out more about high school availability in Skaraborg, visit the Education Skaraborg website.

University of Skövde
The University of Skövde is just a few minutes’ walk from the train and bus station and downtown Skövde. The University offers a wide variety of educational programs and various research projects. You can study everything from behavioral science and economics to engineering, computer science and IT. The University also provides Skaraborg with healthcare expertise through several educational programs in health and healthcare.
The University has by far the widest range of courses in computer game development in Northern Europe and Sweden. In all, there are 650 game development students in Skövde. Many gaming companies first saw the light of day here, and the creators of global bestsellers like Valheim, V Rising and Goat Simulator studied at Skövde.
There are various educational and research collaborations with industry in Skaraborg, including Volvo and CEJN. The University has an international feel and accepts many students from all over the world. Together with nine other universities in Europe, the University is also part of an EU-funded project concerning research and education.
Skövde - Student City of the Year 2025
The Swedish National Union of Students (SFS) annually awards the title of Student City of the Year to a city that excels in creating a good study and living environment for students. In 2025, Skövde won the award for the second time since the prize was introduced. In their motivation, SFS highlights the good cooperation between the University and the local business community, as well as the warm welcome organized by the student union for both Swedish and international students.

SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Science
SLU is a world-class research university focusing on environmental analysis in sustainable living sciences. SLU has its largest seats of learning in Uppsala, Alnarp, Umeå, Skara and Skinnskatteberg. It also conducts research, experimentation and environmental analysis in other parts of the country.
In Skara, we pursue research into animals, the environment and rural production issues. Our profile areas in research are animal husbandry, animal welfare, precision farming and consulting. There are two research facilities outside the centrally located SLU Campus in Skara in Götala and Lanna.
We bring together people with different perspectives but with the common goal of creating the best conditions for a sustainable, vibrant and better world.
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