Familj KLAR.

Living close to the Göta Canal


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Töreboda is a small municipality with the most amazing opportunities. A place for enjoying life where there’s time for everything. Everything’s nearby in Töreboda and nature is ever present. There’s an excellent business climate and thriving associations in a destination that attracts people from all over the world. In Töreboda, you don’t have to choose between quality of life and your career. With the mainline railroad on your doorstep, there’s time for lunch in the big city and an early preschool pickup. Töreboda is a great place to put down roots. Want to enjoy everyday life? Welcome to Töreboda!

Kartbild över Töreboda
Number of residents



Töreboda, Moholm and Älgarås

Neighboring municipalities

Mariestad, Gullspång, Skövde, Karlsborg, Hjo and Tibro

Price per square meter (single family/town house)

SEK 10,399

Number of companies


Major industries

Manufacturing, cleaning services


Moelven, Daloc, Källbergs, Westerstrands, Coor, Baltic, Cleano and others

Popular places to visit

Göta Canal, Tiveden, Hajstorp locks area and Töreboda golf course

Living in Töreboda municipality

Most everything is close by in Töreboda and getting home is easy. Never any need to stand in line, and it’s easy to take the train, enjoy the big city buzz and get back home the same evening. And all in a sustainable, eco-friendly way with the train as your nearest neighbor.

Töreboda municipality has plenty of charming locations to settle down in. In addition to central Töreboda, there are Moholm, Älgarås, Slätte and Halna all close to forests and nature. People enjoy day-to-day life here.

You can reach Skövde, our nearest city, in 18 minutes by train. Gothenburg is around 90 minutes away, and Stockholm two hours. There’s an expanded timetable with several train departures almost every hour.

Travel by bus or car between Töreboda and Mariestad takes around 20 minutes.

Dreaming of studies? Then you’re spoiled for choice

If you’re planning to study, Töreboda is an excellent place to settle down and live in. By train, it’s easy to reach the University of Skövde, Örebro University, Jönköping University and the universities and colleges in Gothenburg and Stockholm. Where will you find your dream studies?

Map of Töreboda

Map of distances from Töreboda to a selection of other places

Urban Töreboda is located in Töreboda municipality, which shares its municipal boundary with the municipalities Skövde, Mariestad, Gullspång, Karlsborg, Tibro and Laxå.

Töreboda is strategically located between Stockholm and Gothenburg, and between Lakes Vänern and Vättern. The western mainline railroad crosses the Göta Canal in Töreboda, making communication possible by both railroad and water.

Töreboda municipality has just over 9,200 inhabitants, of whom around 5,000 live in the town. The municipality also includes the rural centers of Moholm and Älgarås.

Supman KLAR.

The Göta Canal runs through most of the municipality, creating fantastic opportunities for anyone who enjoys boating, canoeing, kayaking and paddle boarding. Viken, Unden and Korssjön are minor lakes nearby Töreboda and offer excellent bathing.

Cycling along the Göta Canal is very popular with both Swedish and international visitors, as well as the locals. It’s a great, sustainable way to enjoy Töreboda municipality’s beautiful nature. Cycling on the old towpaths along the Göta Canal means 87 kilometers of vehicle-free road, which is much appreciated by families with children. The Göta Canal trail is Sweden’s seventh national cycle trail and runs through Töreboda municipality. It makes it even easier to get around by bike in our beautiful municipality. If you get hungry or a hankering for coffee, then Töreboda municipality has several great cafés and restaurants to choose from. Visitors to Töreboda have several accommodation options. There’s everything from youth hostels and campsites to places close to the Göta Canal. Ours is a small municipality with the most amazing opportunities.

Welcome to Töreboda!

Move to Töreboda

It’s easy to understand why people choose to move to Töreboda. You can stay here and have the Göta Canal as your living room. Beautiful natural scenery, interesting local history and thriving associations make it easy to choose Töreboda as a place to call your own.

Lerlyckan – living close to the Göta Canal

In Lerlyckan, you can build your dream home alongside the canal. Töreboda municipality has released lots in the new Lerlyckan subdivision. With the Göta Canal as your neighbor, you’re close to both history and nature. Lerlyckan is offering lots for single-family and multi-family homes. What will you choose?

There’s a place for people young and old.  Thriving associations and a gloriously keen entrepreneurial spirit offer many possibilities for people who want to be active.

Our values are Growth, Security and Together, and we believe anything is possible: where there’s a will, there’s a way. Are you thinking about starting your own business? In Töreboda, there are many different opportunities for companies large and small. We’ll be glad to help you find contacts.

Thriving associations create great opportunities for you and your children to develop, grow and build stable foundations. The proximity to nature creates a healthy environment, and the security a small town like Töreboda has to offer not only attracts families with children, but also seniors. Töreboda is a great place to put down roots!

Living in the forest

Do you dream of life at a slower pace and no stress? If you prioritize a quiet environment and plenty of space, Töreboda municipality is the place for you. Everything is nearby. You can easily find a single-family home in the middle of the forest just a few minutes’ drive from the town of Töreboda with its many shops.

If your preferred means of transportation is a bicycle, then the town of Töreboda is perfect. You can easily cycle or walk around the entire town. At the same time, you can always choose to hop on a train or bus for longer excursions.

Fotograf (picture on right hand side): Form - nomad studio

Fotograf (picture collage. left hand side pictures): Form - nomad studio

JSD2228 Toreboda Kanalbanken Gastorp Nybyggda Hus Vid Gota Kanal.

JSD2195 Mostugan Motionsspar Toreboda Kommun Infotavla 2.
JSD2111 Sup Gota Kanal Hajstorp 2.
Toreboda Jonsboda Foto Tuana 20160819 0413.

Work in Töreboda

There are many companies large and small to work for in Töreboda municipality. The municipality is the employer with the most employees. We also have big, well-known companies like Daloc, Moelven Töreboda, Källbergs Industri, Baltic Safety Products, Cleano Production, Coor, Westerstrand and more.

If you’re planning to start your own business, there are several ways to buy, build or rent a suitable premises for your business. We’ll be happy to help you find contacts to move things forward.

The Töreboda spirit

There’s a strong sense of community among businesses and private individuals alike. Asking each other for help and getting it comes easy. In Töreboda municipality, we create growth together. Töreboda is a five-minute town; everything is nearby.

Work at Volvo – live in Töreboda

The Volvo Group’s new battery factory is planned for the outskirts of our neighboring Mariestad municipality, and it will bring thousands of new jobs to our area. Töreboda is only 13 kilometers from the factory. Head west when you leave the town center and you’ll be at the factory site within 12 minutes. If you choose to commute by bus, the same conditions and short distances apply.

Settle in Töreboda – many ways to commute

Live in Töreboda and work wherever you like. No matter where you’re headed, a commute is always short from Töreboda, be it to Mariestad, Skövde or the rest of Skaraborg. There are also excellent opportunities to commute to Gothenburg and Stockholm during the day.

Next stop, Töreboda

Our excellent connections and strategic location on the map help you create unique opportunities for your company in Töreboda. You’ll have room to grow, and the railroad makes commuting and goods haulage easy. With Töreboda as your base, you can not only hire people from around Skaraborg, but also find specialist skills further afield as the railroad shortens travel times and offers a sustainable commute for your employees. 

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Fotograf: Form - nomad studio

Study in Töreboda

Preschools in Töreboda

We seek to create the best conditions for the school through play and educational support. We provide your child with the best conditions for lifelong learning through our programs and alert personnel.

Töreboda municipality has six preschools for children aged 1–5 years, namely Kastanjen, Kornknarren, Syrenen and Bergmansgården in the town of Töreboda, Tallkotten’s preschool in Moholm and Näckrosen’s preschool in Älgarås.

Schools, grades 1–9 in Töreboda

Töreboda municipality seeks to provide all pupils with safe, secure schooling. Töreboda has five municipal elementary schools and one independent school. We focus on creating a safe, secure environment for every pupil that provides good conditions for life. We do this in a creative, stimulating environment with alert adults who promote development and learning in every pupil. Together, we create knowledge for life.


Kilenskolan is a school for grades 1–3 located in Töreboda. It’s close to nature and the Töreshov sports facility where there’s an ice rink, soccer fields and a bandy rink. The school has a dining hall, sports hall and school library.


Björkängsskolan is a school with classes for grades 4 to 6. The school is located in the town of Töreboda within easy walking distance to the indoor pool and library. The Loftet after-school center also belongs to Björkängsskolan.


Centralskolan is the municipal school for grades 7–9. Staff and pupils work in teams. Each team includes pupils from grades 7–9. The school also has a sports hall, swimming pool and a school of the arts on campus.

Moholm’s School

Located in Moholm, the elementary school houses teachers from preschool up to grade 6. The school’s vision is “a school for all children, where every pupil should feel safe, curious and eager to learn”.

We want to create the very best school for each individual child. With the aid of digital and analog learning tools together with new research and proven experience, we seek to encourage every pupil to develop their full potential. The school maintains good relations with parents and guardians, and great cooperation with the parent-teacher association. The school has a big school yard and green space, with an obstacle course, bandy rink, play fortress, swings and full-size soccer fields. We also have access to a school forest within walking distance of the school.

Älgarås school

A small grades 1–6 school where nature is just around the corner.
The school’s vision is “a school for all children, where every pupil should feel safe, curious and eager to learn”. All staff members take this approach.

We want to create the very best school for each individual child. With the aid of digital and analog learning tools together with new research and proven experience, we seek to encourage every pupil to develop their full potential. The school maintains good relations with parents and guardians, and great cooperation with the parent-teacher association. The school has a big school yard and green space, with an obstacle course, bandy rink, zip line, swings and soccer field.

Fredsberg’s Independent School

The school is located six kilometers north of Töreboda. The school is located next to a grove and is within walking distance of the Göta Canal. It teaches from preschool class up to and including sixth grade. The school also offers its pupils a place at its after-school center.

After-school centers

Töreboda municipality runs five after-school centers and there is one that is run by Fredsberg’s Independent School together with an evening after-school center.

  • Kilenskolan has after-school care for children in grades 1–3
  • Björkängsskolan has after-school care for children in grades 4–6
  • Moholm’s School has after-school care for children in grades 1-6
  • Älgarås school has after-school care for children in grades 1–6
  • Fredsberg’s Independent School after-school care
  • Evening after-school center

After-school center for pupils attending special education elementary school

Töreboda School of the Arts– a place to develop

The school teaches musical instruments, solo and choral singing, dance and drama/theater. As of 2022, a Film & Media program is open to grades 6–9, as is the Carousel program where first grade pupils get to try out multiple instruments in the company of their guardians. There are many different possibilities and ensembles to join and play in. A warm welcome awaits you.

1920Px Mariestad Hova Toreboda Foto Tuana 14082019 0172.

The Gold Mine

The Gold Mine – a sustainable place where reflections, creativity and development are top priority. The Gold Mine is a paradise for creative people striving for a sustainable future. It’s the place for creating new, innovative products. The Gold Mine is a reuse and creative resource center that connects the business community, education and innovation in a fun, creative way. Our educational resource center is aimed at preschool and elementary school children, pupils and educators. By using creative materials and digital technology, children and adults can collaborate to develop their interest and knowledge in science, technology, mathematics, programming and various forms of creative work.

Here, materials enjoy new life through novel, creative forms and applications. The materials we provide do not represent right or wrong, but encourage accepting the challenges of lifelong learning. We seek to stimulate the development of entrepreneurial skills and encourage innovative solutions where people dare to think outside frameworks and stereotypes. We encourage encounters between people, materials and the environment.

The Gold Mine forms part of Töreboda municipality’s sustainability efforts and we endeavor to help reduce the consumption of materials and increase recycling/reuse.

High schools

If you live in Töreboda, it’s easy to commute to nearby high schools in Mariestad, Skövde and the rest of Skaraborg. Information about admission rules and how to apply for high school places can be found on the Utbildning Skaraborg website (in Swedish).

Naturbruk Sötåsen – for people looking to work with animals and nature

Naturbruk Sötåsen is a vocational high school that focuses on natural resource management. It is located outside Töreboda and is run by Region Västra Götaland. The natural resource management program is suitable for people looking to combine theory with practice and who love animals and nature. We equip our students to become tomorrow’s natural resource users through access to digital technology, modern machinery, simulators and excellent premises. Sötåsen offers boarding school places. Organic, sustainable use of natural resources with approved animal husbandry and large-scale organic horticulture. We also have a dog training facility and an animal building that houses everything from snakes and reptiles to rodents and birds. In other words, Sötåsen has just about everything animals and nature have to offer.

Adult education

Kanalskolan is responsible for all municipal adult education in Töreboda. You can read more about Kanalskolan on its website or contact the Vice Chancellor for guidance on the course best suited to you.

Toreboda Jonsboda Foto Tuana 20160819 0387.

Things to do in Töreboda

Lina KLAR.

Lina ferry – Sweden’s smallest regular ferry

The Lina ferry crosses the Göta Canal in Töreboda during the summer months. The ferry is pulled by hand and the short crossing takes only 20–25 seconds. Lina is well visited by many tourists and carries local residents daily. This unique ferry route was started in 1919 by retired engine driver Oskar Lindhult. Initially, the crossing was made using a simple rowboat, but from the end of the 1930s skipper Färje-Karl was granted permission to run a rope across the canal, following which a special vessel could be built and put to use. In 2019, the ferry crossing celebrated its centenary.

The Göta Canal – Sweden’s blue riband

The Göta Canal is an essential part of Töreboda municipality, attracting many visitors every year, both afloat and ashore. The Göta Canal’s beautiful natural setting offers many places for excellent day trips. Baltzar von Platen’s magnificent masterpiece linking the North Sea with the Baltic was inaugurated in 1832. By then, around 58,000 Swedish soldiers using iron-tipped shovels had spent 22 years digging through rock, moraine and clay. From end to end, the canal is 190 km long, of which 87 km were excavated. Lanthöjden is located close to Vassbacken in Töreboda municipality. At 91.5 meters above sea level, it is the Göta Canal’s highest point. An obelisk was raised here in the 1820s to commemorate King Karl XIII, who was on the throne when canal construction began. In Hajstorp on September 23, 2022, we celebrated the Göta Canal’s second centenary since it opened for traffic on the western route.

Töreboda – the center of time

Töreboda has one of Sweden’s best known clock makers, Westerstrand Urfabrik. You can find its clocks in many public spaces, such as train stations and sporting scoreboards. When the Western mainline railroad was built between Gothenburg and Stockholm in the mid-1800s, Töreboda became an important regional center. Since there was no coordinated time covering the whole of Sweden, it was difficult to keep a uniform timetable for the trains. Rumor has it that Swedish standard time was linked to Töreboda’s latitude. Coordinated time was introduced for the whole of Sweden, and Töreboda’s time had come.

JSD2164 Gota Kanal Kanalbanken Toreboda Gasthamn.
Fotograf: Form - nomad studio

Röda kvarn – a historic movie house in the middle of downtown Töreboda

In Töreboda, you can experience a movie in the best way – in a historic movie house.

Thriving associations

Töreboda municipality has thriving associations and a wide range of activities to suit most people. For people with an interest in animals, there are the Töreboda riding school and Töreboda working dog club. If you prefer ball sports, you can watch Töreboda IK play or become part of the team. Töreshov with the Töreboda indoor ice rink offers hockey, bandy and figure skating. Töreboda indoor pool is there for anyone who loves swimming and bathing. Several gym chains are represented in the center of Töreboda, near the railroad station. Close to Centralskolan in Töreboda there is a bowling alley, sports center and an indoor pool in the same building. Several associations meet at the sports center, including those for sports such as wrestling, shooting, table tennis, floorball and swimming. You can reach Töreboda golf club by car a few minutes outside of Töreboda town. There’s adventure golf, a boules court and padel courts by Töreboda guest harbor. Töreboda also has indoor padel courts.

A walk in the woods or maybe a run – what’s your choice?

The jogging tracks at Mostugan and Slätte are two excellent options for people who like to go for a run or hike in beautiful countryside to recharge their batteries. There’s a barbecue area in Slätte if you’d like to combine your walk with a tasty picnic lunch under the sky.  

Close to everything in Töreboda

As a place to live, Töreboda is just the right size and brimming with opportunities, partly because it offers a rich range of leisure activities such as an indoor ice rink, indoor pool, riding school and excellent soccer fields, which are otherwise difficult to find in smaller towns.

In the center are local stores, pharmacies and cafés. Thursday is market day in Töreboda, and our charming square is filled with market traders selling fruit, cheese, bread, flowers, clothes and much much more. A popular day for many.

There’s a lot to choose from for people of every age, but the railroad that brings Skövde and other major towns closer opens up even more job and learning opportunities for young and old alike. And because commuting is so easy, you won’t have to leave home to start high school.

Families with children appreciate the committed, skilled staff in our preschools and schools. It’s easy to see that our staff work constantly to make sure every child enjoys safe schooling, and they put in extra resources and support at an early age should it prove necessary. By providing pupils with safe day-to-day school environments and alert staff, we build a safe, stable foundation that will last them a lifetime.

“The longer I live here, the greater Töreboda grows in my estimation. Being so close to nature and the convenience of having access to everything I need really nearby makes living in Töreboda easy,” says one resident.

The little adventures in life are always nearby, a walk to the library, a bike ride along the Göta Canal, a day sledding in the hills or walking with the dog in the beautiful natural surroundings of Mostugan. It means people are free to play and go exploring without having to worry about traffic and a bunch of rules and regulations.

Visiting the campsite for a dip in the heated outdoor pool is also a favorite for the children. Experiencing the harvest market in the Hajstorp lock area with torchlight processions alongside the canal is another of Töreboda municipality’s nuggets. There are many beautiful places to discover in Töreboda municipality.

Being close to the water is a boon for every town. Here in Töreboda, the Göta Canal adds extra beauty to the town, causing it to flourish and be filled with life during the summer.

If you like swimming, you can take a dip in the campsite’s outdoor pool, or swim in one of the lakes. Lake Kors warms up early in the year. Lake Viken with its sandy beaches and wild bathing. A warm welcome awaits you.

Toreboda Jonsboda Foto Tuana 20160819 0240.
Photo: Peter H


Töreboda municipality has an extended hours library. This means borrowers can access the premises during the hours when it is unstaffed. Here you can not only borrow everything from books and games, but also be inspired by lectures. We have library branches in Moholm and Älgarås. Töreboda library is part of Bibliotek Mellansjö in which Hjo, Karlsborg, Mariestad, Tidaholm, Gullspång, Skövde, Tibro and Töreboda collaborate, and you can borrow books from all of these libraries. 

Göta Kanal 22.
Fotograf: Form - nomad studio

Outdoor activities

Töreboda Camping & Bad – perfect for families with children

Töreboda Camping & Bad is located centrally in Töreboda right next to the Göta Canal. There are cabins for rent and camping pitches for people who prefer to stay in a tent, travel trailer or RV. With the Göta Canal as their view, it’s easy to understand why many people return year after year.

The heated pool, beach volleyball court, padel courts, playground and on-site outdoor cafeteria make it easy to bring the whole family together. If you’re visiting Töreboda for the first time, you can get help and tips on local places of interest from the knowledgeable reception staff. On the other side of the canal there are several eateries, cafés, adventure golf and a popular theme park. There’s a popular walking trail around 2 kilometers long beside the canal.

Hiking trails

The Älgarås trail – hiking through the Hovet nature reserve

Töreboda municipality is home to a trail that runs between Åsebol and Undenäs past Hovet, Edsån and Sätra. The trail is ideal for people who like to take the dog and a picnic basket on their walk. You ramble through beech forests and alongside water on both level and hilly ground. In the summer, you can take a dip in Viken to cool off. The Älgarås trail was opened in 2005 and renovated in 2020.

Jogging tracks – out in the woods

Mostugan, which is managed by the Skogsstjärnan orienteering club, is located in Haboskogen. Mostugan has locker rooms, showers and a sauna. There are illuminated tracks and jogging trails in beautiful surroundings. During the winter, once the snow has settled, there are also ski trails and a popular sled slope.

There are two popular jogging trails in the forest at Slätte next to Lake Tjärbruk. Go for a walk, stop for a picnic in the woods or at a barbecue area. There’s also an illuminated track in Moholm.

The Path to Health – a collaboration with the Swedish Heart and Lung Association

Take the opportunity and walk the path to health. It’s a 4.5-kilometer walk through beautiful surroundings. The path to health winds alongside the Göta Canal and runs between the Lina ferry and Gastorp’s bridge. Along the way you pass Töreboda guest harbor with its cafés and restaurants. Playgrounds and Töreboda Camping. Most of the path is paved, but some parts are gravel, like the towpath beside the Göta Canal. Perfect for a daily walk with the stroller or a run with the dog. The path to health also seeks to emphasize that an active life reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Hiking along the Göta Canal

The Göta Canal is ideal as a hiking trail; it’s never far to the next café or restaurant and you’ll be walking along the old towpath formerly used by horses and oxen to pull boats along the canal. Around every four kilometers there’s a rest area with a windbreak and barbecue. Parts of the towpath are illuminated in Töreboda.

Cycling the Göta Canal – Sweden’s most beautiful vehicle-free bike path

Cycling along the Göta Canal is a very popular trip, whether you want to cycle just a little or a long way. Cycling is always along the old towpath that is never more than a few meters from the canal. You can make any number of stops along the way to admire all the boats traveling the canal and using the locks.

These days, there’s nearly always a café or restaurant in the lock areas for people hankering for something tasty. There are also great opportunities to book an overnight stay along the canal, to continue cycling along the winding bike trail the following morning.

Every year, more than 70,000 cyclists choose cycling holidays in our neck of the woods. Are you one of them?

Close to nature

Staycationing in Töreboda. If you live in Töreboda, it’s easy to take a vacation at home. There are loads of different interesting destinations in Töreboda municipality. You can easily get to the best our neighboring municipalities have to offer within the hour, or even enjoy the big city pulse. The Göta Canal, Tiveden, Lakes Vänern and Vättern, and Billingen’s outdoor recreation area are just a few examples.

Quality of life and leisure

Everything you need is nearby in Töreboda. You can live and work here, and enjoy active leisure time. Töreboda’s companies symbolize good entrepreneurial spirit; we work together. Our excellent transit connections let you reach the big city fast, and it’s easy to get home.

Golf for the choosy

Visit Töreboda Golf Club by Lake Månsarud and play one of the world’s best golf holes. Our famous 10th hole with 100 meters of water between the tee and the green. The 10th has been rated by Golf Magazine as being among the 500 best holes in the world. There’s room for both the experienced and beginners. There’s also a popular restaurant, and for golfers who can never get enough, there are various accommodation options such as chalets, rooms and pitches for people with RVs.

1920Px Hål 10 Stor Redigerad Fotopeter H.

The Töreboda Festival – it put Töreboda on the map of the world

The Töreboda Festival was arranged for the eighth time during three fantastic summer days in July 2022. It’s a family festival for people of all ages, and it has put Töreboda on the map. Expectations are raised in the run-up to each festival year, and then exceeded. With festival general Per Ottosson at the forefront, Töreboda municipality’s residents, associations and companies have shown that it’s possible to create a world-class festival with the help of non-profit initiatives. All the proceeds went to the associations that contributed and worked to make the festival such a success. In 2022, the associations shared almost SEK 2 million.

The Töreboda Festival was first held as a Millennium Party in 2000. Over the years, many world artists, Swedish artists and local artists have stood on one of the festival’s three stages. Since then, the festival has been held every three years, and 2022 was the eighth and last time.
It’s amazing how world artists have come to Töreboda and created memories that will last a lifetime. What performance do you remember best?

World-renowned artists who have visited Töreboda: Alice Cooper, The Beach Boys, Kim Larsen, Pet Shop Boys, Twisted Sister.

Swedish artists who have visited Töreboda: Zara Larsson, GES, The Hives, Miss Li, The Ark, Miriam Bryant, Smith & Thell, Victor Leksell, Magnus Uggla, Carola, Lena Philipsson, Tomas Ledin, Jill Johnson, Loreen, Norlie & KKV, Europe, Bolaget, Lillasyster, Arvingarna, Myra Granberg, Dotter, Noice, Sean Banan, Albatraoz, Elisa Lindström & Kärleksorkestern, Thundermother, Helion, Three Fifty Seven, Mora Träsk, Rydell & Quick, Mile, Hammerfall, Snowstorm, Markoolio, Haaks, EMD, Ove Thörnqvist, Sahara Hotnights, ELO Tribute, Credence Tribute, Dire Straits Tribute, Trollkarlen Daniel, Alma Lindström and Simon Swahnström.

Fotograf Johan Carlén Törebodafestivalen 2022 DJI 0128 WEBB Small.
Photo: Johan Carlén


Let your mind wander back to the 50s and 60s and visit Mandy's Diner in Töreboda. The diner serves delicious, well-prepared burgers in the American spirit. If you prefer Asian flavors, a visit to Fuhua will do the trick. Choose between a well-stocked lunch buffet or order à la carte.

The KRUBB restaurant is ideal for people who value locally produced ingredients that are prepared on the premises. During the summer months, you can bring your four-footed friend with you to Prästgårdens Trädgårdscafé (garden café). It offers irresistible dishes for you and your best friend. Have you tried their unbeatable pizzas? If you want to combine lunch with golf, Månsarud’s golf restaurant and café is an excellent choice. It serves great food in a wonderful setting on the shores of Lake Månsarud. There’s also a wide selection of local pizzerias in Töreboda. What are you hungry for today?


There are several really good cafés to choose from in Töreboda municipality. Hembageriet café & konditori located in the town of Töreboda is open all year round. It serves pastries and light lunches. Valvet Café and Smörgåsbar is located in the square. It serves delicious salads and hearty sandwiches.

During the summer months, more cafés open up. Many along the Göta Canal. You’ll find Café Visthuset in Töreboda guest harbor. You’ll enjoy their excellent coffee and freshly baked pastries. You can even rent bikes, look at maps and get information at the Café Visthuset, as it also doubles as an Infopoint.

Hajstorp Slusscafé is a popular café in an authentic lock environment. Here, quality takes the form of locally produced, organic food, and Fairtrade is their hallmark. The café serves ice cream, sandwiches, hearty pies and cakes from a local bakery. There’s glorious seating close to the Göta Canal.

You’ll find Tåtorps Café & Logi close to Tåtorp’s lock. Here’s where the Göta Canal flows into Lake Viken. Relax under the apple trees and enjoy a good cup of coffee with homemade, organic pastries. Or stay overnight in one of the eco-friendly youth hostel’s airy, comfortable rooms.

Jonsboda Café & Camping is located about seven kilometers south of Töreboda by the Göta Canal. It serves home-baked pastries, grilled sandwiches, freshly baked waffles and ice cream of every type and flavor. You can also overnight in Jonsboda at the campsite or in a chalet.

In Vassbacken close to Göta Canal’s highest point at Lanthöjden is Wassbacken Café, Camping & youth hostel. Here they serve food and coffee and there’s overnight accommodation. Enjoy the surroundings and see the boats reflected in the Göta Canal with the chirping of birds as your background music. A true summer idyll. 

Contact us


Phone, switchboard: +46 (0)506-180 00
Phone, contact center: +46 (0)506-180 01

Töreboda municipality
Drottninggatan 4
SE-545 30 Töreboda, SWEDEN

Any questions? Contact our relocation guides!

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221021 LIS 040.


In Skaraborg there are 15 wonderful municipalities