Kinga found a dream job and her dream life in Mariestad

Kinga Nilsson was born and raised in Hungary. Today, she lives in idyllic Lugnås in Mariestad with her husband Karl and children Noah and Olivia. Kinga works as a Health and Safety Engineer at Metsä, where she’s involved in an exciting project – Framtidsfabriken (The Future Factory) in Mariestad.
In the spring of 2023, when Kinga was studying during her last semester as a work environment engineer in Gothenburg, an unexpected opportunity arose. Tissue manufacturer Metsä is investing SEK 4.2 billion in expanding its paper mill in Mariestad, which will mean 100 new local jobs.
“I had never been to Mariestad before, but the job seemed so exciting. And Skaraborg has a lot to offer. We love being outdoors enjoying the many beautiful natural environments here. The children had not yet started school or had time to make any BFFs. The more my husband and I talked about it, the better it felt,” says Kinga.
We love being outdoors enjoying the many beautiful natural environments here

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No sooner said than done. Kinga and Karl sold their row house in Skärblacka outside Norrköping and bought a villa in Lugnås, a satellite town to Mariestad. It was a lifestyle upgrade in itself, as the couple had always dreamed of owning their own home with a big yard. Also, with his skills in 3D modeling and Building Information Modeling (BIM), her husband had no problem continuing to work remotely in his current job.
In working life, Kinga stays busy at Metsä, where she works with systematic preventive safety measures in Project Vänern, the construction of Metsä’s future factory in Mariestad. Her principal tasks include ensuring compliance with safety rules, conducting risk assessments and risk analyses for upcoming works and coordinating occupational health and safety matters.
“The days are fast-paced, action-packed, and no two days are ever alike. I wanted to work in an industry where I feel like I’m making a difference. And that’s how I feel in this job. It’s an exciting job and I really enjoy what I do,” says Kinga.
I don’t feel we’ve compromised on anything; we have everything we need here, being so close to major cities.
“As a company, Metsä is good at encouraging and stimulating personal development, where everyone’s skills are put to use contributing to the overall good. That level of trust feels very good indeed,” says Kinga.
Kinga Nilsson and her family seem to have found their ideal place in Skaraborg.
“I don’t feel we’ve compromised on anything; we have everything we need here, being so close to major cities. With many events and thriving associations, it’s the perfect place for families with children. It’s a great place to settle down and live in,” concludes Kinga.
Use the link below to follow work on Framtidsfabriken in Mariestad. You can read blog posts, the latest news and follow work around the clock via the webcam. And there is also an opportunity to express your interest in the company through the ‘Open application’.