Where to work in Skaraborg?

What are the biggest industries and how does Skaraborg differ from other parts of the country? And what occupations will be in demand in the future? Get the answers below!
Manufacturing industry
Skaraborg is naturally similar to the rest of Sweden, but it also has things that stand out. One of the most notable is the proportion of people working in manufacturing industries. Skaraborg is located in the region of the country with the highest proportion of people in the manufacturing industry, and in Skaraborg, vehicle manufacturing and its suppliers account for a significant percentage of the jobs in the industry. Volvo has several industries in Skaraborg, and Aurobay also has a factory. Skaraborg is also renowned for its automation cluster.
Manufacturing is a sunrise industry on the brink of exciting technological advances. In Skaraborg, the future will offer many new opportunities for anyone who wants to help shape the industries of tomorrow, especially since Volvo is planning to build a battery factory in Mariestad. Skaraborg is also home to ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena which works with development projects, runs the materials library Material ConneXion Skövde (in Swedish) and is part of ASSAR Labs, a driving force behind tomorrow’s technologies.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Between Skaraborg’s towns, communities and villages lie fertile fields and deep forests. The number of people in each municipality employed in agriculture, forestry and fishing varies quite widely. In Gullspång, Töreboda and Grästorp, more than 7% of the gainfully employed work in these industries.
In Skaraborg, Agroväst conducts research and innovation in the green industries. In Skara, SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has a campus where it conducts research and studies on animals, the environment and rural production matters. The green industries are very important for Skaraborg. The issue of self-sufficiency and domestic food production has come into sharper focus in Sweden in recent years, and the industry is now the object of exciting developments.

Public administration and defense
While public administration is found in all municipalities, the attentive reader will note that one municipality stands out above all others in the diagram below. Karlsborg has the country’s highest proportion of employees in public administration. This is because the Swedish Armed Forces have a strong presence in the municipality. The Swedish Armed Forces also have two regiments in Skövde and one in Lidköping.
The Swedish Armed Forces are what make Skaraborg exceptional when compared to other regions regarding public administration. Owing to the very unstable situation in the world at large, special efforts are currently being made to increase Sweden’s defense capabilities. Consequently, the Swedish Armed Forces are expanding their operations and there are plenty of career opportunities in this regard.

…and much, much more!
The above are a few examples of industries where Skaraborg stands out. But of course, there’s so much more to tell! For example, did you know that Skövde is one of Sweden’s foremost clusters for computer games development? Or that several major companies such as Jula and Mio have their head offices here in Skaraborg? Check out the municipal pages here on the web to see lists of employers and the relevant municipalities.
We have an extensive, exciting job market. Welcome to Skaraborg; welcome to your next job!
The statistics in this text are taken from Kolada. Use it yourself to search among lots of different information. A link to the tables on which the text is based can be found below. The figures in the tables refer to 2021, the latest year for which there are statistics.
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